Saturday, October 24, 2009

nursing issues...again

I've come down with my THIRD infection (the 2nd was a relapse from the first) associated with nursing! Sometimes it feels like nature is conspiring against me to get me to give up nursing the little one. Well its not going to happen; each time I start to feel like throwing in the towel, my iron will (inherited from my mom) snaps to attention. It goes something like this:

Iron Will "TEN HUT! I don't THINK so Garrett (Baker), you will NOT give up when you've come so far!"

Me: "buuuuuut it huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurts!!!

Iron Will "so did LABOR"

Me: "this is true. but this is the third time this has happened, why meeeeee?"

Iron Will: "stop your whining, at least you are ABLE to nurse!"

Me: "shutting up now...."

As you can see, there is no use thinking about giving up. Any advice on curing blocked ducts is appreciated!

1 comment:

  1. Awww, I'm sorry! I never had any issues (other than supply) so I don't have any advice, but I'll be praying for you!!!
