Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Rant Against Misinformation

several pieces of misinformation have recently cost us a lot of money lately. first i was diagnosed over the phone with thrush (an infection you can get while nursing). i've been treated 3 times with oral stuff and spent tons of money on preventative measures, i mean HUNDREDS so i wouldn't have to give up nursing Jackson. i read online that the baby didn't have to have it for the mom to get it. this was the basis for my continuing to think that was it.

then i found out today that it was proven last year that the baby DOES have to have it. it turns out i have something completely unrelated to infection and i've been doing all of these stressful preventative measures. soooo frustrating. nursing moms, if you are struggling with a "thrush" infection, message me or email and i will further explain my experience and tell you how to tell the difference.

the second thing was that my baby's pediatrician told me Jackson needed vitamin D supplements because he is exclusively nursing. we were told to give him this liquid vitamin stuff.
so we dutifully went and bought the vitamins and gave them to the baby. who promptly and violently threw them up. so i look up whether it was really necessary and it turns out my dr is only following the recommendation for babies. really the only ones who need vitamin D are those in cold climates without adequate sun exposure. la leche league says it isn't necessary as long as the mother has it in her diet each day. so blah. now we have a whole bottle of $10 liquid vitamins that our baby doesn't need.

anyone want some vitamins?


  1. Dear Amanda,

    You are the recipient of "One Lovely Blog" award from LaDy LaDuke!

    You can read about it here at our post:

  2. What the doctor did is not acceptable! You should start looking for a new physician who knows what he is doing. Honestly, he can be dismissed from his profession, and the doctor’s association can take away his license if a patient of his complains about him giving unnecessary prescriptions.

    Chalice Lindgren
