Thursday, October 22, 2009

Chocolate Epiphanies

I had a realization this morning, with my hands buried in dry ingredients for homemade chocolate cake. its not about me. my life is now 5% Amanda and 95% kiddos. and yet I don't mind because my view of motherhood has changed. I used to think that motherhood was about "balancing" your priorities equally. motherhood is really about doing the best you can with what you have been given.

not all mothers are able to breastfeed but I can, its a resource I was given. in turn, I have friends who were blessed financially and for them buying formula isn't a burden. both of us are doing our best to feed our babies with what we have been given.

most new mothers don't have to parent teenagers along with their first infant or work 24 hours a day. I do, but the flip side is that I also have my husband along side me 24 hours a day. most women don't get to work with their husbands.

as I make a "welcome" cake for our new boys arrival, I'm preparing my heart as well and hoping that his future here is bright.

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