Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Baby Difficulties

Jackson has begun needing to eat every two hours (start to start) and occasionally will only go an hour and forty five minutes. I've been through all the "tests" to make sure he is getting enough milk, he is wetting enough diapers, and that he truly is hungry. He's just going through a growth spurt and needing lots of nutrition. I've spoken to a lactation consultant but I don't really agree with her, her opinion is opposite La Leche League and many doctor's sites I've checked out.

I actually think Jackson may have been needing more frequent feedings for a while and I mistook the crying for gas. James and I have noticed since I've been catching his cues to feed earlier, he has seemed calmer. So essentially once he started feeding every two hours, he calmed down and has less fussy spells.

One of the hardest things about all of this is knowing the right thing to do. Everyone has a different opinion when it comes to newborns. You should put him on a schedule. You should NEVER put him on a schedule. You should pick him up when he cries. You should let him cry it out. I'm so conflicted between meeting his needs and spoiling him! Right now, James and I have decided to go with instinct and feed him when he shows hunger cues. I truly think its a growth spurt, although everything I've read says growth spurts last a few days and this has been going on for over a week. It started three weeks ago when he was feeding every 3 hours (pretty much since birth) and then suddenly needed a couple of 2 hour feedings per day. He gradually upped that until they are all two hour feedings.

I'm to the point that I figure that if I accidentally spoil him, it would be better to break him of a bad habit than potentially let him go hungry.

Really, I'm just very tired. I've been trying to do too much at once. I love couponing and getting bargains but its just not feasible until Jackson can go longer between feedings. I've been blessed with a job that allows me to focus on the baby during the day and with an understanding husband who will take care of our job responsibilities while I nurse. I'm so lucky to be where I am and I just need to slow down and count my blessings. Please just pray for me to remember that its ok to not do everything.

1 comment:

  1. Go with your gut! From what I've seen and heard with many sisters, sisters-in-law, friends, who have breastfed for years, the feedings every 2 hours are quite common. Sounds like a normal, growing, hungry baby to me! I like your blog!
