Thursday, October 1, 2009

Off Time

James and I work two weeks on, one week off at the boys home. Right now we are traveling to Brownwood during our off time and staying with his parents. Next semester James will be taking classes full time (while we work, we will still be at the boys home) so we will get an apartment near his school in San Marcos. Its been really nice to be back in Brownwood. Both of our parents live here and we get to visit with my sisters too.

Jackson is busy being spoiled to death by his grandmothers. Its wonderful being able to hand him over to them after eating and have my hands free to do other things. I'm still working on the cross stitch I'm making for Jackson with his birthdate, weight etc. I didn't finish it in time ( I was going to do all but the weight and ounces) and it is taking forever since Jackson wants to be held so much.

Really, the baby is happy and content to be on his own as long as he doesn't have gas. Unfortunately, he has gas after every feeding. By the time I get him down for a nap, I only have an hour, maybe, to do chores and things. I know that it will pass and I'm trying not to wish it it away since that means he will be older and I will never get that time back.

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