Friday, February 5, 2010

"The Perfect Mom" Voice In Your Head

Ever hear "you should have known..." after your kid does something to hurt themself? Or "a good mom would've avoided germs better" after your child comes down with an illness? This my friends, comes from your "Perfect Mom" voice. This voice implants itself in your head somewhere around the time your firstborn implants in your uterus.

The Perfect Mom voice will drive you crazy if it can. After having spent months exhausting both yourself and your resources, you might be forced to give up breastfeeding despite your best efforts. The second that bottle goes into your baby's mouth you'll hear "you could have tried harder. A better mom would have"

When you are teaching your baby how to soothe and comfort himself/herself by letting them cry some rather than immediately rushing to their bed you might hear "for all you know your baby is hurt and crying out for you".

This wildly rampant voice has become my companion any time I begin to doubt my instincts at all. Even when I know I'm doing whats best for my child, this judgemental female voice begins picking away at my confidence. I believe that for me, this voice is a product of Satan. Something to steal away my peace and rob my happiness. This is, after all, Satan's mission in our lives. To steal and destroy. So my battle becomes one of wrestling down the false noise in my head. Remembering that Christ came to relieve us of these burdens and set us free to enjoy our lives with Him.

So if anyone out there is battling a voice, whether it be "Perfect Student", "Perfect Christian", or any assortment of voices, I invite you to fight back with me and remember that God didn't mean for us to live a life of bondage!

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